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A - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
approx() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardContour
Returns the value of the approx record component.
area() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardContour
Returns the value of the area record component.


CamService - Class in
The CamService class provides a service for capturing frames from a camera using the OpenCV library.
CamService(int, CamService.FrameProcessorCb) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new CamService instance with the specified camera index and frame processing callback.
CamService.FrameProcessorCb - Interface in
Functional interface representing a frame processing callback.
Card - Record Class in dev.ioliver.dtos
Card(CardDimensions, CardContour, Mat, CardPredict) - Constructor for record class dev.ioliver.dtos.Card
Creates an instance of a Card record class.
CardContour - Record Class in dev.ioliver.dtos
CardContour(Mat, MatOfPoint, MatOfPoint2f, double, double, MatOfPoint2f) - Constructor for record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardContour
Creates an instance of a CardContour record class.
CardCorner - Record Class in dev.ioliver.dtos
CardCorner(Mat, Mat, Mat) - Constructor for record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardCorner
Creates an instance of a CardCorner record class.
CardDimensions - Record Class in dev.ioliver.dtos
CardDimensions(CardContour, double, double, int, int) - Constructor for record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardDimensions
Creates an instance of a CardDimensions record class.
cardImage() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.Card
Returns the value of the cardImage record component.
CardPredict - Record Class in dev.ioliver.dtos
CardPredict(Ranks, Suits) - Constructor for record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardPredict
Creates an instance of a CardPredict record class.
centerX() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardDimensions
Returns the value of the centerX record component.
centerY() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardDimensions
Returns the value of the centerY record component.
CLUBS - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Suits
contour() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.Card
Returns the value of the contour record component.
contour() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardContour
Returns the value of the contour record component.
contour() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardDimensions
Returns the value of the contour record component.
contour2f() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardContour
Returns the value of the contour2f record component.
cornerRank() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardCorner
Returns the value of the cornerRank record component.
cornerSuit() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardCorner
Returns the value of the cornerSuit record component.
cutAndFlatCard(Mat, CardDimensions, boolean) - Method in class
Cuts and flattens a card from the original frame based on the card dimensions.


dev.ioliver - package dev.ioliver
dev.ioliver.dtos - package dev.ioliver.dtos
dev.ioliver.enums - package dev.ioliver.enums - package
DIAMONDS - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Suits
dimensions() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.Card
Returns the value of the dimensions record component.
drawCards(Mat, List<Card>) - Method in class
Draws the cards on the input frame.
drawContours(Mat, List<CardContour>) - Method in class
Draws the card contours on the input frame.
drawText(Mat, String, int) - Method in class
Draws text on the input frame.


equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.Card
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardContour
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardCorner
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardDimensions
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardPredict
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
ExampleGame - Class in dev.ioliver
ExampleGame() - Constructor for class dev.ioliver.ExampleGame


fullCorner() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardCorner
Returns the value of the fullCorner record component.


getAllCardsContours(Mat) - Method in class
Extracts all card contours from the input frame.
getCardDimensions(CardContour) - Method in class
Calculates the dimensions of a card contour.
getCorner(Mat) - Method in class
Extracts the corner of a flattened card image.
getImgReference() - Method in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
Returns the image reference for the rank.
getImgReference() - Method in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Suits
Returns the image reference for the suit.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Returns the singleton instance of the OpenCVService class.
getLabel() - Method in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
Returns the label associated with the rank.
getLabel() - Method in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Suits
Returns the label associated with the suit.
getList() - Static method in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
Returns a list of all ranks.
getList() - Static method in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Suits
Returns a list of all suits.
getProcessedCard(CardContour, CardDimensions) - Method in class
Processes a card by extracting its information.


hashCode() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.Card
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardContour
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardCorner
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardDimensions
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardPredict
Returns a hash code value for this object.
HEARTS - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Suits
height() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardDimensions
Returns the value of the height record component.


J - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
JOKER - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
JOKER - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Suits


K - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks


main(String[]) - Static method in class dev.ioliver.ExampleGame


N10 - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
N2 - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
N3 - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
N4 - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
N5 - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
N6 - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
N7 - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
N8 - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
N9 - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks


OpenCVService - Class in
The OpenCVService class provides various image processing operations using the OpenCV library.
originalFrame() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardContour
Returns the value of the originalFrame record component.


perimeter() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardContour
Returns the value of the perimeter record component.
predict() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.Card
Returns the value of the predict record component.
predictCard(CardCorner) - Method in class
Predicts the rank and suit of a card based on its corner images.
processFrame(Mat) - Method in interface
Processes the input frame and returns the processed frame.


Q - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks


rank() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardPredict
Returns the value of the rank record component.
Ranks - Enum Class in dev.ioliver.enums
The Ranks enum represents the ranks of playing cards.
returnOrderedAndExternalContours(Mat) - Method in class
Finds the ordered and external contours in the input frame.


SPADES - Enum constant in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Suits
suit() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardPredict
Returns the value of the suit record component.
Suits - Enum Class in dev.ioliver.enums
The Suits enum represents the suits of playing cards.


toString() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.Card
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardContour
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardCorner
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardDimensions
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardPredict
Returns a string representation of this record class.
treatImage(Mat) - Method in class
Applies image processing operations to the input frame.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Suits
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Ranks
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.ioliver.enums.Suits
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


width() - Method in record class dev.ioliver.dtos.CardDimensions
Returns the value of the width record component.
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